How to create an HTML5 game in Phaser using image data scraped from Reddit JSON

In this tutorial we will use a database of images previously scraped from a Reddit JSON document to create a simple game based on an idea of guessing which of two images has a better upvotes score (karma).

The database is generated by the Reddit Image Scraper tool and consists of 250 data records of book covers fetched from the Terrible Book Covers subreddit. More about this tool including its source code you can find in the previous part of this tutorial – How to create an HTML5 Reddit’s Image Scraper using Phaser!

Here is the game prototype. In each of ten rounds try to guess which of two book covers is more terrible by tapping on it.




Here is the almost fully commented source code:

You can use the source code as you wish. With adding some tweens, graphics, sounds, high scores and so on this could be a nice game. For an example try to play What Is The Most Terrible Cover game.



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