
This website is about my own games, examples and tutorials with source codes. They are created for desktop and mobile platforms using Flash, HTML5, Java and other programming languages.

If you have questions, comments and so on or just want to share your thoughts with me, please send me an email to:

ssusnic [at] gmail [dot] com



2 thoughts on “About

  1. Poštovani, ISO! Fino fin! WordPress je dosta šugav za administriranje, ali ‘ajde! Hoćete li se prijaviti za Teslino jaje koje bi vam predala Premijerka iz vlastitih ruku? S poštovanjem, BrutalniDemijurg

  2. Dear mister BrutalniDemijurg,
    Please don’t be like croatian prime-minister and use english language on this website in the future! Anyway thanks for your comment.

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